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Navigating a new career

At nearly 43 years of age, I am unhappy with the career I feel I was forced into. This is not an uncommon discovery for people hitting that "mid-life crisis". Life's turns and little twists led me to my wonderful wife and amazing children, but I still feel empty when I think of the legacy I leave behind. My children are my true legacy, but I need to know my life has had a lasting impact, past just the propagation of my genetic material.

I am imaging what will become of my name and my accomplishments. My family and friends will morn me, but will heal and move on. In 50 years, will anyone know who J.Garrett MIller was?

I have taught my kids to never settle in life. Make sure you follow your passions with an intensity that will ensure they come true. Work is a burden the vast majority of us must bare. If you are saddled with a job 5 days every week and 9 hours each day, shouldn't that time be something fulfilling and exciting? It's 30-60 years of your life! More of your time on this planet will be spent working and sleeping, than actually enjoying this short existence. No cliché better encapsulates this than, "You only get one go around. Make your time count."

I am swallowing my own medicine, drinking my own Kool-Aid. After one of my many conversations with my children on following your bliss, it hit me to show, don't tell. A fitting description, because after the better part of a year asking myself "what would be my bliss", I decided I wanted to be an author. Write stories. I have always had an incredible imagination. I could parlay that skill into a career that is satisfying and at the same time, leave my legacy.

This is my first post on this journey. I am looking forward to every step on this new path.

I am swallowing my own

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